The ambition for cellular agriculture

Since the foundation of the Cellular Agriculture Netherlands Foundation, we have worked intensively with a community of experts and jointly submitted a Growth Plan for the National Growth Fund (NGF). Below you will find a brief summary of CAN's ambition.


Cellular agriculture (CA) is a radically innovative technology in which animal products are made from cells instead of whole animals. In CA meat (popularly known as cultured meat), the meat grows from animal stem cells, which are derived from animals through painless biopsies. In the Netherlands, cells for CA now even grow in an animal-free medium, thanks to a recent innovation (this is not yet the case in all countries). In CA milk, components from milk are produced by micro-organisms through precision fermentation. In both cases, the cells produce the same animal proteins, fats, etc. that are obtained through conventional production. This also allows products to be made with the same taste, structure, nutritional values ​​and preparation as traditional animal products. The same products are produced in a new value chain, which is better for people, animals and the planet.

Compared to traditional animal products, CA products have a large number of advantages: less impact on climate and biodiversity, less land and water use, fewer zoonoses and other diseases, less waste and controlled and transparent production. In addition, a CA transition offers the Netherlands both economic opportunities in terms of earning capacity and sustainability. With an excellent position and reputation in the field of innovative agriculture, biotechnology and cooperation culture, the Netherlands even has the opportunity to become a CA guide country and stimulate a new, globally leading CA ecosystem. This is in line with the government strategy "Strengthening research and innovation ecosystems".

CA as a technology is still in full development. There are a number of barriers that are the same for many companies, but that are difficult to solve yourself. CAN wants to help accelerate the development of this market by supporting:

  • Training qualified personnel for the desired growth.
  • Public knowledge sharing of technological developments.
  • Construction of facilities to be able to scale up, because that requires high investments and specific engineering knowledge that is only available in limited numbers.
  • Social support that is expressed in broad support and initiatives, and also legislation in Europe.
  • Good conditions for the establishment and development of start-ups.

CAN wants to eliminate these problems and build a fully-fledged CA ecosystem. CAN is supported by the Dutch National Growth Fund to implement this plan.